Python 2 vs 3 – Top Things Newbies Need to Know

If you are new to Python, you will likely be wondering which version of Python you should become accustomed to. The two most common choices are Python 2.7 and Python 3.5, or Python 2 and 3 as they are more commonly known. In this article, I will explore the advantages of each system and which one you should use.

When you are comparing Python 2 vs. 3, there is only one winner. Python 3 is a clear winner. Keep reading to learn more about the reasons why Python 3 is the best version.

Notably, Python is one of the must-have programming languages that you would want to know if you want to have a career in Data Science.

What Are the Main Differences Between Python 2 and 3?

The first difference between Python 2 and 3 is their trajectory. Python 2 is an older model that is on the way out. Whereas Python 3 is still only coming into its own. This means that in the future, Python 3 will continue to go from strength to strength. If you are new to Python, it is best to learn Python 3 as you will use it in the future.

Another clear advantage to Python 3 is seen when you look at the library. Python 3 is forward compatible, whereas Python 2 is not. This means that many new files can’t be opened on Python 2. Many developers are only creating libraries for Python 3, so you will miss out if you don’t have it.

The Python 3 has superior Unicode support. This allows for foreign language text, roman numerals, and even emojis. This is a crucial advantage when compared to the ASCII that is used in Python 3. To have more options and choices, you should opt for Unicode in Python 3.

Another key advantage to Python 3 is the enhanced integer division. In Python 2, if you divide 5 by 2 you would get 2 as the system rounds to the nearest whole number. To gain the correct result, you would need to add the decimal point. If you use Python 3, this will not be the case.

You will get the correct answer without having to add any decimal places. This may seem like a minor difference, but it can save you a lot of time in the long run. This will also make learning Python easier as the syntax is more intuitive.

Should You Learn Python 2 or Python 3 as a beginner?

Python 3 is the best choice for beginners starting. There are many reasons for this, such as:

Python 3 is the future. There is no point in learning Python 2 if the software will be obsolete in a couple of years. This is why to avoid wasting time; you should choose to start learning Python 3.

Python 3 is also more user-friendly with many helpful new features such as a more intuitive syntax. This will help you to learn quickly so you can get up to speed.

While Python is the better system to start learning, there are some situations where Python 2 may be better for you. 2 the Sensible 

When is Learning Python Choice?

In specific scenarios, it may make more sense for you to begin learning on Python 2. Here are a few reasons as to when you should choose to start learning Python 2.

If your business has legacy code written in Python 2, it will make sense to start learning Python 2.

If you are completing a project that relies on third-party software that does not port to Python 3, you should start learning to use Python 2. This will ensure that you can get the job done and access all of the libraries needed to complete the project.

If you would like to be a DevOps engineer or if you would like to work with configuration management tools, you will likely have to work with both Python 2 and Python 3. This is because some of the libraries in the configuration management tools are not accessible through Python 3.

These are a few of the reasons why you should learn Python 2 first, but in most circumstances, you should start learning with Python 3.

How to Get Started Learning Python 3?

As with learning any new skill, you should always start with a verified course. This will allow you to obtain a certificate that certifies your abilities in Python 3. This is not just a great way to start learning, but it also looks excellent on your resumé. Many websites offer certificates in Python 3, such as:

Udemy is a popular choice for learning any new computer skill. This offers a variety of courses that are certified. Udemy also offers classes for various costs so that you can find a system on a budget.

edX is another excellent website to start learning about Python 3. They offer a course named Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python. This course is a great way to learn all of the basic skills to get your programming career started.

Coursera offers a Programming for Everybody course. This course comes with a free 7-day trial, and then it costs 45 dollars a month after that. While this course is more expensive than others, you will gain a comprehensive knowledge of programming, and you get the chance to opt out after your free trial.

Codeacademy provides you with the opportunity to learn their Python 3 course. This is a course specifically about Python 3 and how to use it.

Final Thoughts

Learning programming with Python can be a daunting and often confusing task. This is especially true when you are just getting started. This is why I have outlined some valuable things for you to note in this article.

It would help if you started learning Python 3 for the majority of new learners. There are certain circumstances where Python 2 will be needed, but these situations are becoming less and less common.

Many online platforms will facilitate your learning of Python 3. These have been outlined above. The cost of a Python 3 course can be as little as 10$. This makes it an affordable new skill to learn.

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